Frequently Asked Questions

How much money do I need to retire?

This is often the most pressing question for those planning their retirement. The answer depends on various factors including lifestyle, expected expenses, and retirement age and Ford Financial Services of East Texas can assist you in answering this question.

When should I claim Social Security benefits?

Timing Social Security claims can significantly impact your retirement income, making this a crucial question to answer correctly. Schedule an appointment for help.

How much will healthcare cost in retirement?

Healthcare expenses are a major concern for most retirees, and understanding the potential costs is essential for proper retirement planning. Contact me to understand how to calculate these costs.

What types of retirement plans are available to me?

Understanding different retirement plan options (e.g., 401(k)s, IRAs, Roth IRAs) is crucial for effective retirement savings. Bently Ford can provide expertise in planning for your retirement and outline all your options.

How should I invest my retirement savings?

People often seek advice on investment strategies that balance growth potential with risk management. Ford Financial Services can offer guidance in investment strategies.

Do I need long-term care insurance?

As increasing healthcare costs are a significant consideration when planning for retirement, many people question whether long-term care insurance is necessary. This is only one of the questions that Bently Ford, Investment Adviser Representative, can help you answer for creating your retirement plan.

How does inflation affect my retirement savings?

Understanding and planning for the impact of inflation on long-term savings is a common concern which Ford Financial Services can help you plan for.

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Retirement Income Planning
Money Management Guidance
Health Care Employee Retirement Planning
Informational Speaking Engagements



PO Box 1063
Flint TX 75762
